Trump Mocks Sexual Assault Accuser

Image result for trump and kavanaugh

So recently Brett Kavanaugh has been elected for Supreme Court Justice and is now a Judge for the Supreme Court for life. During his ceremony President Trump mocked Kavanaugh’s opponents for a ‘‘campaign of personal destruction.’’ Then Trump said “On behalf of our nation, I want to apologize to Brett and the entire Kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure,’’ Trump said, addressing the bitter partisan fight over Kavanaugh’s nomination that became a firestorm after the emergence of sexual misconduct allegations, which Kavanaugh emphatically denied. what President Trump did was very unprofessional, he has a habit of doing unprofessional things. It is so very obvious that he takes a side that whatever the right is for or against he is for as well just because Kavanaugh got elected to be Supreme Court Justice doesn’t mean he did not sexually assault Ford. As a president you should not pick a side in the political field. You should care for and respect all of the American citizens because you are the President you are the one that people look to in times of danger, you represent all of America. You are The President of the United States of America and this isn’t the first time he has shown hate to the democratic party. He does this all the time and like monkey see monkey do the conservatives blame and hate the democrats for no reason at all. President Trump like always you very unprofessional, you take your title as President and flash it a around and say “I’m President” instead of acting like an adult and taking your title seriously like JFK. Our President everyone.

The Kavanaugh Case Shows American Politics At It’s Absolute Worst


So recently nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh has been all over the place recently. This is because he is being accused of sexual assault by Christine Ford and two other women who I could not find the names of. But this incident has sent things in a downward spiral.  Arizona Senator Jeff Flake was confronted by sexual assault victims for supporting Kavanaugh telling him that by supporting him he is encouraging other men that they can get away with sexual assault and still rise to power. This was painful to watch weather you see it as sad or annoying, weather you see this woman as a hero or an over emotional person, we can all agree this is a big problem. This fiasco has also divided the two political parties even more then before. I haven’t seen these parties so split apart since the 2016 elections and I believe that was when the worst of both parties starting showing their bad sides. The Republican party is siding with Kavanaugh due to him being one of them and that they believe there is not enough proof and say he is a good man with a family and the Democratic party is siding with Ford due to a good majority of them are supporters of the Me Too movement and believing she is proof enough to support her accusation.  The drama going on in DC is ridiculous, personally I am fine with the Me Too movement, I believe that sexual assault victims should speak up and have justice. But I understand why the Republicans think the way they do I believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Anyone can say they were assaulted sexually but with no proof their claim is as stable as thin ice. The problem with this that if you say anything like that people claim you are sexist and side with the rapist. But recently the FBI has been assigned to investigate into the allegations but, The White House has limited the scope of the investigation with President Trump saying this could be “a blessing in disguise”. Personally I have no idea if Kavanaugh is innocent or not but only time will tell when the case has been finalized.

Supreme Court Battle:

Jeff Flakes confrontation with assault victims

FBI’s Investigation: